I'm pregnant. If anyone still checks this blog this is my excuse for leaving nothing here for months! I figure it's the best excuse ever and one I only get to use for a small (very small) portion of my life. I'm now 18 weeks pregnant. Amazing to think how slow/fast the time goes. I don't plan on posting much on this blog in the near future. Maybe when the baby arrives I might. (And then you'll be bombarded with baby photos!!) I am back into my creativity after my head in a bucket for so long. And with the silly season upon us (6 weeks until santa arrives) I have a few things to do.
So on that note - if you want to drop me a line here's my email: burzacotts@gmail.com. Otherwise I'll see you when I see you! :)
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Random thoughts
Wouldn't I love to know what Chewy is thinking. With a look like that . . . who's to know??
My in-laws have graciously given me a beautiful old bank desk for my art room. The tables I've had before wo
One of the biggest hates that I have is folding laundry. Much to the embarrassment of my parents this is my guest bedroom. The laundry comes off the
Here in Australia we hang our laundry out to dry. In winter that can be a little tricky. I finally convinced Colin to buy me a dryer! (Probably a
My gorgeous Leah. Playing cutesy. Love my dogs. Always.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Little surprises at Maplegum
The beauty of living in the country is the wildlife that we get to see. These guys were found shortly after we moved in and Colin took these photos. The photo below shows how little they were. Kind of reminded me of the books I used to read as a kid "Frog and Toad Together". Did anyone else read these books? Can you imagine if these little guys fell in the pool? Disastrous!! There are down sides of finding wildlife. Just the other day Colin killed a baby brown snake. They sound simple but they happen to be the deadliest in Australia. And it was a baby. Where's the momma??? Just had to share this cute photo with you!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Good things
I'm a bit of a reader. I need to read before I go to sleep. I love books. A must. I found this new author Jodi Picoult, and I'm totally into her books. A must read. This is my bedside table.
Have a great day. Do something fun for you!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
End of week.
But I must say this: life is good.
Sure, some things stink. Others smell really, really bad. But do I have anything serious to complain about?
The week started off with a lovely birthday brunch with our good friends Janelle and Graham and their 2 year old Bonnie. I really must do more brunches. Easy, yummy food with good friends.
Then more good friends from Melbourne arrived. Neda and Daz drove up and spent some time with us and Scaz and Robyn. Such a delight to see them and their 8 month old Jalen. Inspiring people. Full of wisdom, creativity and laughter. Thank you for support and good times.
The rest of the week just seemed to go by smoothly. Got to make cards last night with Lisa and Sharlene. We started getting together about 3 years ago once a week for a little while. Then took a couple of winters off and now get together for a night of chit chat, artwork and sometimes so baking!! Lucky for me they like to come to my house so I don't have to wonder out in the cold ( and besides Col's got our car for footy training).
This afternoon I got off work at 1 pm and then sat outside in the warm sun reading some material for a course I have this weekend. Women's waterworks. Such a good book and I intend to learn a ton so I can help women with their independence!
Then we've got a 4th of July party and a girls night out at the movies. Sounds good!!
Oh, and the photo was taken from Taronga Zoo in Sydney. What a view.
Thanks for all the comments for Colin's birthday. He appreciated it!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Photo's continued
This Sweet Pea did so well with the traveling. She was such a good little girl and look how adorable she is!!

We went down to Manly Beach for a few days and that was a highlight for all of us. Great spot just to hang out. And Heather and I got to spend a few hours at the shopping centre!!

Grandma had the knack of holding Madeline and she would just fall asleep. This photo is taken from Grandma's view of looking down at her. Grandma loved how her eyelashes were so delicate and beautiful. I couldn't agree more!

It was nice to spend time with both sides of my family now. This is Ellana and Carter at Soilders beach after a scuba dive( by my Dad, Scaz and myself) and a picnic. Another lovely relaxing day!

It was such a delight to have my Grandma come visit too. She is 84 years old and such a trooper. She was the first one up every morning and out for a walk. Every morning. She would stoke up the fire to keep us warm and would clean up in her own quiet way. Sometimes I got bossy and told her to sit down and relax!! I do hope she comes again. I've told her that I'll keep her room just for her!!

A sunrise off Manly (photo by my M0m):

We went down to Manly Beach for a few days and that was a highlight for all of us. Great spot just to hang out. And Heather and I got to spend a few hours at the shopping centre!!
It was nice to spend time with both sides of my family now. This is Ellana and Carter at Soilders beach after a scuba dive( by my Dad, Scaz and myself) and a picnic. Another lovely relaxing day!

It was such a delight to have my Grandma come visit too. She is 84 years old and such a trooper. She was the first one up every morning and out for a walk. Every morning. She would stoke up the fire to keep us warm and would clean up in her own quiet way. Sometimes I got bossy and told her to sit down and relax!! I do hope she comes again. I've told her that I'll keep her room just for her!!

A sunrise off Manly (photo by my M0m):

My family - the beach bums!
After much anticipation (and many groans from those who have been checking my blog for awhile now), here are some photos of my family's holiday out here. It was such a good time. We spent a bit of time at the beach and just hanging out. Oh, how nice it would be to have them around the corner!!

LOOKING FOR THAT SHARK (I'm not making it up):

(Heather caught her first wave in to get away from the shark)
(Heather caught her first wave in to get away from the shark)
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
update to follow
I know it's time to update. Philip and Heather and Carter and Madeline have come and gone. And I've been sad. More photos to follow soon. Promise. Sometime soon.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
7 days and counting . . .

This is me. With my new lens. I kinda like it.
7 days until my family arrives!! Very exciting. 7 days until I begin 2 1/2 weeks of holidays!! I'm been scheming over the last few days of activities we can do. Would you believe that there is a huge price difference in the hire for scuba equipment? 90$ at one store and $50 at another!! I"m trying to book a boat dive so I'll keep you posted. But I just realized the room where my grandma will be staying as no blinds. Maybe a dash to Ikea may help me.
Tonight begins our weddings galore. Col's got a buck's night for the groom of the wedding on Sunday. Friday night Col has rehearsal and rehearsal dinner for wedding next weekend. Sunday morning I have bridal shower for wedding in June. Sunday afternoon we have wedding. Next Saturday we have another wedding. Then a 3 week break. Then 3 weddings in 8 days, all in different locations!! Fantastic!! Weddings are good for couples. Wedding sermons mean more to us now that we have been married for awhile. I just kind of smile and nod and say hmmm; how true.
But somewhere in there I've got to get a hair appointment, pick up another bed, make beds, find bassinet, car seats for littlies and make a welcome sign!! Woohoo.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
A lovely weekend
We're nearing the end of a really nice weekend. Yesturday went to church and made soup. Corn chowder. I think my favourite. Then got to pop in and see Delena and Dale who were dog sitting for the afternoon. They humoured me and played compatability with me. And as we already knew, we were all compatable!
Then to a night of scrabble and nibbles with my in-laws and friends. The problem with having food at a scrabble game is that I'll nibble away until it's all gone! Then today was a game of tennis and lunch out with the girls. Now I'm doing laundry and preparing for the week ahead.
Not long to go until my family (most of them) arrive for a holiday and I get time off work!!
And I'll leave you with photos of my little doggie!

Then to a night of scrabble and nibbles with my in-laws and friends. The problem with having food at a scrabble game is that I'll nibble away until it's all gone! Then today was a game of tennis and lunch out with the girls. Now I'm doing laundry and preparing for the week ahead.
Not long to go until my family (most of them) arrive for a holiday and I get time off work!!
And I'll leave you with photos of my little doggie!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Early morning rise . . .
This is what I'm been waking to for the past few weeks. Heavy fog and mist among the trees. Cooler mornings but great for lying in bed reading or sitting by the fire. Love the fog. Love the rain. Whenever it rains I sing "I"m only happy when it rains" in my head. I don't know who sings it. If anyone knows, tellme, I'd love to buy the song. Seriously, everytime it rains I sing that song.

Today: off to church. Then I think soup for lunch. It's just that kind of day. And then maybe pizza for tea. Love pizza. Espeically with BBQ sauce. It's the only way we make it now.
Today: off to church. Then I think soup for lunch. It's just that kind of day. And then maybe pizza for tea. Love pizza. Espeically with BBQ sauce. It's the only way we make it now.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Luxuries of life . . .
This was my new purchase last week:

I wanted it for low lighting situations and nice portraits. So I bought it. Why? Because I can!! Then of course I had to play a bit.

Do you interpret Chewy as "C'mon Mom, I'm sooo over this. Enough already"?
(I can't help myself!)
Then on the weekend I had the luxury of flying to Melbourne to visit my dear friend Neda. She had a little bubby almost 6 months ago and he was growing so fast I had to see him. Definately one of life's luxuries is good friends. Friends who laugh at the same things you do, appreciate you and are just special people. Neda is one of those people. I miss you Neda.

This is her son Jalen Jack. Talk about a precious little boy. When he smiles, his whole face lights up and his eyes twinkle!! He's got the most contagious laugh and a content little guy.

We of course had to go shopping at DFO (direct factory outlets). We've got a few weddings coming up so I had to get a new dress. I think it's just a girl thing. We ended up at the shops for 7 hours. Yes, 7 hours. And Jalen was born to shop!! He loved the bags. And we got some great deals as well.

Now it's Wednesday. A day off for ANZAC day. Delena and Dale are coming up for a FriChick cookoff!! Plans were to go mountain biking, but it's raining. So plan B is hot tub, movies and some good food. Anyone want to join us??
I wanted it for low lighting situations and nice portraits. So I bought it. Why? Because I can!! Then of course I had to play a bit.
Do you interpret Chewy as "C'mon Mom, I'm sooo over this. Enough already"?
(I can't help myself!)
Then on the weekend I had the luxury of flying to Melbourne to visit my dear friend Neda. She had a little bubby almost 6 months ago and he was growing so fast I had to see him. Definately one of life's luxuries is good friends. Friends who laugh at the same things you do, appreciate you and are just special people. Neda is one of those people. I miss you Neda.
This is her son Jalen Jack. Talk about a precious little boy. When he smiles, his whole face lights up and his eyes twinkle!! He's got the most contagious laugh and a content little guy.
We of course had to go shopping at DFO (direct factory outlets). We've got a few weddings coming up so I had to get a new dress. I think it's just a girl thing. We ended up at the shops for 7 hours. Yes, 7 hours. And Jalen was born to shop!! He loved the bags. And we got some great deals as well.
Now it's Wednesday. A day off for ANZAC day. Delena and Dale are coming up for a FriChick cookoff!! Plans were to go mountain biking, but it's raining. So plan B is hot tub, movies and some good food. Anyone want to join us??
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Happy Birthday Ron!
As I mentioned in the previous post, we had a birthday party for Ron, Colin's dad. Here's a photo of the grandkids trying to help Grandpa blow his candles out. Today is his birthday. I want to wish Ron a very happy 65th birthday! And no, he has no plans for retirement!!
We had a lovely full weekend. Saturday was delightful as we had brunch with Suzi and her kids. She made us omeletes with screaming seeds. Absolutely fantastic!!! I think I might order some myself. Talk about adding some spunk to plain old eggs!!
Then off to the play for us. Quaint little theatre for young people. Entertaining and Izzy was fabulous in her part as the Mrs Sheep.
Saturday night brought a surprise visit from Colin's cousin Calvin and his girlfriend from WA. I was gobsmacked. I kept looking at him wondering what he was doing there and how he knew we were had moved to. Delightful visit and of course the party was fun. I think Ron was suprised that Leon and Nat came up too.
Sunday morning, Colin had a cricket game against Central Coast and I had a nutrimetics spa party. Basically a reason for the girls to get together and spend money!! Not that we need any reason. THe boys didn't win the game but came back for some R n R in the hot tub:
A delightful weekend. Now it's Tuesday evening and I'm still recovering!! Next weekend I'm off to Melbourne to visit my dear friend Neda and her new bubby (who will be a 2 year old toddler if I don't see him soon!) Looking forward to that.
Also made a purchase today. Will share when it arrives!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Be nice to me . . .
Do it. Go donate. Safe a life. One day you might need blood. www.donateblood.com.au is the address in Australia. The rest of you - call your Red Cross. Click Canada for the Canadian address or America for the American red cross. Now you have no excuse!!
Busy day today. Heading up to see friends Suzi and her kids for brunch and then seeing her daughter Izzy in Charlette's Web. Love the story. It's my mom's favourite kids book. Then we're having a birthday party for my father-in-law. PHotos to follow.
Check back often!!
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