Big Camp is a pretty important place for me. My first Big Camp was in 1998. It's the place I met the man I fell in love with and would later marry. I met him on my 20th birthday to be exact. He certainly made an impression on me and we still talk about those days.
After we married we went back up for a weekend and stayed in the parking lot (we were kind of cheap back then and didn't want to pay to stay in our van!). What am I talking about? - we're still kind of cheap!! We were so cozy. We had the Mitsubishi L300 and had a mattress in the back with curtains around the windows. When the wind came up and flapped all the tent flaps we were as snug as a bug in a rug.
We went up again in 2007 when i was 13 weeks pregnant with Benny. Not quite over all the morning sickness but had such a good time with friends. The next year we took Philip, Heather, Carter and Madeline and Benny was 6 months old. We stayed in old canvas tents and had a blast. I enjoyed early runs on the beach and ate too many chocolate mint slice biscuits. ( and I hope P,H,C & M come again!)
This year we have a new Coleman tent and a 2 1/2 year old. I am looking forward to just hanging at the beach and enjoying the kids program. We'll see how the evening meeting attendance will go.
I love catching up with friends. I love sitting around with hot drinks. I love the walk down to the beach and seeing dolphins play in the surf. I love the music. I love good speakers. I love camping. I love being at Big Camp. I love the significance Big Camp has played in my life and hope Benzen finds it as great as I have.
we got our 'yes' today as well.
hopefully you guys have your tent set up by the time we get there then you can help us do ours. did you get the montana?
awesome! we'll be there. hot drinks and walks to the beach for us!! oh hey, I might even get to go for a run with you ( but you'll have to go easy on me- it's been a while...) xx
ps I remember when you and Colin stayed in the van! haha.
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