I guess my son doesn't appreciate my sense of humour! I thought it would be funny. Obviously Benny doesn't! But he does like how I wrestle with him, chase him, read to him and play with him. He tells me all about the cars and trucks on the road that he sees and thinks every dog is named Leah. So he definitely has his own sense of humour! He enjoys throwing things off our deck and expects us to go and get things for him (or wants the dogs to return them to him!). The other night we could not find our remote for our tv. Looked under every cushion, in every drawer, under every toy but no remote. Then I thought maybe Benny took it outside. We happened to be watering our front garden at the time and wouldn't you believe that's where it was!! Colin, being so smart as he is, was able to retrieve it and it works fine.
The other thing that I am really excited about is using cloth nappies. Before I had children I had thought about it but more in a passing thought. Then I got into the routine of using disposables and that was that. My friend Jo, who has a son 8 weeks older than Benny, started using cloth nappies a little while ago and that got me thinking. So I did some research and got some of my own. Back in the day when they used cloth and pins it was pretty straight forward. Now, with the invention of the "modern" nappy, they is a whole range and different types. At first it is quite overwhelming but once you read a bit and realize why there are different types then it's not too bad. I'm going to get a few different types of nappies and see what I like (and what suits Benny). So I'm going to give it a go - because I can.
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