1. The dogs are not allowed in the house.
2. Okay, the dog is allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.
3. The dog is allowed in all the rooms, but has to stay off the furniture.
4. The dog can get on the old furniture only.
5. Fine, the dog is allowed on all the furniture, but is not allowed to sleep with the humans on the bed.
6. Okay, the dog is allowed on the bed, but only by invitation.
7. The dog can sleep on the bed, but not under the covers.
8. The dog can sleep under the covers by invitaion only.
9. The dog can sleep under the covers every night.
10. Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the dog.
11. There is only to be one dog in the bed with the humans at night.
12. OK, so never more than two dogs in bed.
13. Well . . .

For those of you who aren't pet people, you just don't understand!! They are such wonderful creatures that make my life so complete! I love em to bits!! God knew what He was doing when He created dogs! Or any pet that brings you joy for that matter. Someone once said to me that pets wouldn't be in heaven. I completely disagree. I think heaven will be big enough to hold them.
Well, that's my two bits for the day. Expect more tomorrow!!
woof, woof for now!
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