Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Another day, another dollar . . . $ $ $

Just got home from work. Nothing too eventful, but I guess that's a good thing. Could have people screaming at me, or even worse. I could think of many other jobs that are worse than mine!!

Tonight is my tv drama night. Can't help myself. McLeods Daughters is on at 7.30pm and then House at 8.30 pm. Not a very productive night, but I always seem to find things to do while I watch.

We have a long weekend coming up. Always enjoy a shortened working week! Would love to work 4 days a week. Or even 3 days a week if I could!!

Colin's working on our Nepal movie. He does such a good job and it is so much work! We may have link when we get it finished ( and maybe a shortened version!!).

Thanks for those who are commenting! Love to see the little notes! Have a fabulous rest of the week.



Zaak said...

Heather, I just now discovered you have a blog. Good for you. I'm going to continue reading...

But I had to comment on this Nepal movie thing that Colin is working on. Is this your trip to Nepal that I haven't heard anything about? What is he using to edit? a Mac perhaps?

Anonymous said...

We still don't have a "bedroom suite" and we have been married for 9 years... what does that say about us? We still have the dresser I had as a child and a dresser from a garage sale in Walla Walla that we got for $20. It does look nice though and I am glad you finally found one you like. Enjoy! Christina