Monday, August 09, 2010

Early morning.

I love (most days) being the first in our house to wake in the morning.

To come out to the living room in the quietness and stillness of the day. Most likely the kookaburras have begun their morning call around 6am and that gently stirs me awake. Lately my bedroom has felt like 13 C so I've had to pull on a sweater and socks to keep my tootsies warm. I grab the bin by the fire for collecting firewood and head out to the woodpile. The dogs get let out and tear up the hill to investigate who has infiltrated their domain during the night. Then of course, tell the whole neighbourhood that they are now awake and everyone else should be too. Some mornings they'll keep it down and my boys can continue sleeping for a little while.

I love making the fire. Collecting the little sticks, then medium, then the larger logs to add just at the right time. If you had the big ones too big - well the fire takes a lot longer to get going. I enjoy sitting right in front and watching as the flames expand and take over the space of the fireplace. The crackle, pop and ooze of sap from the wood add to the delicate morning sounds.

I boil the kettle and proceed to make a cup of tea just in time to hear my little man wake from the night sleep. Not to worry. . . it can be warmed again.


Jo said...

i heart this.

dunnes4 said...

how did i not know you had a blog... um... hello... are we friends?

dunnes4 said...

i feel so ashamed...