Wouldn't I love to know what Chewy is thinking. With a look like that . . . who's to know??
My in-laws have graciously given me a beautiful old bank desk for my art room. The tables I've had before wo

uld shake a bit when my sewing machine would get up to speed. This table has been stored in their garage and I thought it would look rather nice in my art room. Now my plan is to paint and recover some old chairs that I found down in this shack on our property. I'll share photos when I get them done!!!
One of the biggest hates that I have is folding laundry. Much to the embarrassment of my parents this is my guest bedroom. The laundry comes off the

line and gets put on the bed. When I get tired of the look then I'll eventually fold it. My first college roommate, Shauna, would fold my laundry for me while I would read a story. She knew how much I hated folding. She's truly a gracious person!
Here in Australia we hang our laundry out to dry. In winter that can be a little tricky. I finally convinced Colin to buy me a dryer! (Probably a

week after my family left who had been here for a month!!) So, they'll just have to come again to use it!!
My gorgeous Leah. Playing cutesy. Love my dogs. Always.