But I must say this: life is good.
Sure, some things stink. Others smell really, really bad. But do I have anything serious to complain about?
The week started off with a lovely birthday brunch with our good friends Janelle and Graham and their 2 year old Bonnie. I really must do more brunches. Easy, yummy food with good friends.
Then more good friends from Melbourne arrived. Neda and Daz drove up and spent some time with us and Scaz and Robyn. Such a delight to see them and their 8 month old Jalen. Inspiring people. Full of wisdom, creativity and laughter. Thank you for support and good times.
The rest of the week just seemed to go by smoothly. Got to make cards last night with Lisa and Sharlene. We started getting together about 3 years ago once a week for a little while. Then took a couple of winters off and now get together for a night of chit chat, artwork and sometimes so baking!! Lucky for me they like to come to my house so I don't have to wonder out in the cold ( and besides Col's got our car for footy training).
This afternoon I got off work at 1 pm and then sat outside in the warm sun reading some material for a course I have this weekend. Women's waterworks. Such a good book and I intend to learn a ton so I can help women with their independence!
Then we've got a 4th of July party and a girls night out at the movies. Sounds good!!
Oh, and the photo was taken from Taronga Zoo in Sydney. What a view.
Thanks for all the comments for Colin's birthday. He appreciated it!