Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sadness at MapleGum

We woke this morning to quietness. A few song birds, but no rooster wake up call. It seems a sly fox crept on to the property and stole our beautiful rooster. He was there yesturday, I"m sure of it. I went in today to collect the eggs and couldn't see him. I looked around and noticed an area of the chicken wire and been pushed in and some dirt dug away. A few stray feathers. And a few more outside the coop. How annoyed, frustrated, upset, and sad we were. We've only been here 4 weeks and already a rooster is gone. And he was a beautiful specimen of a rooster. Shiny coat, perky feathers and the crow of the wild.

We'll be doing some digging and rearranging this weekend. We don't want that sly fox back anytime soon. In fact never. I'll be getting a new rooster, but only once the coop is stronger.

And, we don't even have a photo of him.


Mr. & Mrs. Dean said...

Well, there goes the perfect score as chicken farmer! We will have a moment of silence and wear black arm bands in rememberance of the Maplegum Cock!!!

Zaak said...

Sorry Heather. That's a sad story.

There are about 30 roosters crowing right now (6:30 am) and they have been crowing for about 2 hours already. I'm not emotionally attached to any of them because none belong to me. That makes a pretty big difference - relationship.

myla said...

thanx! we're in sydney right now. .but we're headed up to Bundaberg (via air) on sunday. . .we hear picking (veggie/fruit) is good up there. . we'll try to make it by your area sometime. .thanks for the invite! :)

Janelle Wind said...

Oh Heather how sad!! He was such a beautiful Rooster too - just a proud man. Maybe you can take heart in the fact that he probably sacrificed himself to save the girls - what a gentleman. I am so sorry to hear of his loss - may he rest in peace xx Janelle