It's the middle of July. And cold. People don't think it's cold and they give me a hard time about being Canadian and the cold. "You should be used to it" comes the phrase many a times during winter. I don't bother to explain it makes no difference! When it's 6 degrees in my bedroom in the morning when I wake up - it's cold. Sure the sun comes out during the day, but the evenings are cold. So to help me make it through winter, here are some shots taken last summer at Catherine Hill Bay.

Am not a whimp!! It's okay if it's 6 degrees OUTSIDE but not inside!! And no need to rub it in how nice it is in Canada!! :)
Hey, I also get grief about being Canadian and ALWAYS cold. My office at work is air conditioned and I've been known to wear my down jacket to work IN THE SUMMER. There's nothing WIMPY about wanting to be comfortable and cozy and 6 degress inside is certainly cold. I'd be wearing my furry Sponge Bob slippers, my down coat, fleece pants, and a toque - and I'm not a WIMP:)
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